El domingo tuvimos una muy divertida sesión con tres nuevos amigos de Amor Animal.
Ellos son los hermosos hermanos, Merlín, Lola & Hamish.
Todo sucedió muy rápidamente, llegaron con su Mamá Sharon, nos saludamos y no podían aguantar la alegría de estar en la playa, querían correr y mojar sus patitas en el mar.
Pudimos sentir lo felices que son en la playa y jugar con las pelotas los pone mas felices todavía.
La sesión estuvo genial, ellos aman tanto a su mamá que no dejan nunca de mirarla y no la pierden de vista.
On Sunday we had a fun session with three new AMOR ANIMAL friends.
They are the beautiful brothers, Merlin, Lola & Hamish. Everything happened very quickly, they arrived with their Mom Sharon, we welcomed them and they could not withstand the joy of being on the beach; they wanted to run and wet their paws in the ocean.
We could feel how overjoyed they were to be on the beach, and how playing with the balls on the beach made them happy.
The session was fantastic, their love for their mom is so great that they never stop looking at her and never lose sight of her.
MERLIN Schnauzer is the older of the brothers and is the most serious of the three, but his eyes are so tender that he won our hearts with just one look. He preferred playing with sea seeds, a tree trunk washed up on the beach by a wave and a dried coconut … all at his own pace and without exhausting himself.
LOLA es la hermosa niña yorkshire , ella adora ir por la pelota aunque tenga que bucear para atraparla, y demostró toda su alegría ladarando mucho con su voz tan particular.
LOLA is the beautiful Yorkshire girl. She loves to chasing the ball even though she has to dive for it, and showed her joy by barking with her unique voice.
HAMISH es el cachorro de la familia, yorkshire rápido y ágil, también le encanta la pelota, corrió tan rápido que fue un poquito difícil atraparlo en acción, pero si nos regalo su mejor perfil.
HAMISH is the family puppy; also a Yorkshire. Fast, agile and also loves chasing balls. He ran so fast that it was a little difficult to catch him in action, but he made sure we caught his best profile.
Gracias Sharon por dejarnos conocer a tus hermosos peludos, pasamos una hermosa mañana y nos encanta que ya formen parte de la familia de Amor Animal!
Thank you Sharon for letting us meet your beautiful fluffy babies. We spent a beautiful morning with them and are proud to have them form part of the AMOR ANIMAL family.
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